The “Private profil” tool has been introduced
The “Private profile” tool has been introduced on the Cadastre Committee’s https://www.e-cadastre.am/ electronic services platform, which allows users to receive complete and expanded information about their properties from one place, as well as to use the services provided by the Cadastre Committee in a simplified manner.
The toolkit provides users with numerous opportunities to obtain information, including;
- View the list of real estate properties owned by you under any right;
- View the certificates of registration of rights to properties owned by you, qualitative and quantitative data, registered rights and restrictions, and cadastral case documents;
- Receive automated information in the form of extracts. Moreover, in the case of properties belonging to you by the right of ownership, this information is provided free of charge;
- View or download electronically provided legal title confirming documents, address provision decisions, and measurement documents without entering a password;
- Submit applications simply and more easily. In this case the property address is filled automatically, and in the "submitted documents" section, electronically provided documents are attached to the application from the list without entering a password.
- Using the corresponding platform toolkit, it is also possible to send messages to the Cadastre Committee about errors in the list of properties (e.g. any property belonging to you is not reflected, or the list contains property that does not belong to you), as well as errors found in the reflected data of the properties.
- Using the appropriate tools, it is also possible to receive notifications regarding properties belonging to you by the right of ownership, in case other persons have submitted applications related to the mentioned properties for state registration of rights or property clearance extract.
To make use of the implemented tool, it is necessary to log in to the e-cadastre. am platform using strict identification tools (eID or mID).